Bilco and Tecno participate at Mecspe 2016
Önde gelen ulusal ve uluslararasi fuarlara katilmak bize sektörümüzdeki son gelismeler, en yeni malzeme ve uygulamalar hakkinda bilgi saglamaktadir. Biz tedarik zincirinde is başarımızın temel bir unsuru olarak iş ortaklarimiz arasinda iliskiler kurmayı ve sinerji olusturmayi göz önünde bulunduruyoruz.
We took the opportunity to advertise the new Radici’s brand, thanks to a very interesting tech. seminar about metal replacement and polymers.
As expected we had a very positive result from this exhibition, together with the opportunity to reconnect with our clients and friends.
On this occasion Bilco and Tecno were represented by Goffredo Berardini, Managing Director, Tommaso Berardini, Sales Manager and Fulvio Confalonieri, Commercial Director.
This 15th Mecspe edition brought together 1.592 expositors (24% more than last year) and 39.656 visitors (17% more than last year)
The next Mecspe edition will be held at Parma from March 23 to 25, 2017 where we will be happy to welcome you.