Guzman Global was present at PlastEurasia 2015
Önde gelen ulusal ve uluslararasi fuarlara katilmak bize sektörümüzdeki son gelismeler, en yeni malzeme ve uygulamalar hakkinda bilgi saglamaktadir. Biz tedarik zincirinde is başarımızın temel bir unsuru olarak iş ortaklarimiz arasinda iliskiler kurmayı ve sinerji olusturmayi göz önünde bulunduruyoruz.
The presence of Guzman Global at this event has been key once again, since PlastEurasia brought together professionals, buyers and producers of the plastic industry in Turkey, with more than 1.100 local and international exhibitors. As expected we hade a positive result from this exhibition and the opportunity to reconnect with our clients and friends.
On this occasion from Guzman Global attended our CEO, Fidel García-Guzmán, accompanying the team from Guzman Global Hammade Ticaret.