Our News / Fairs
Önde gelen ulusal ve uluslararasi fuarlara katilmak bize sektörümüzdeki son gelismeler, en yeni malzeme ve uygulamalar hakkinda bilgi saglamaktadir. Biz tedarik zincirinde is başarımızın temel bir unsuru olarak iş ortaklarimiz arasinda iliskiler kurmayı ve sinerji olusturmayi göz önünde bulunduruyoruz.
Bilco and Tecno participate at Mecspe 2016
Bilco and Tecno were present for the first time together at Mecspe 2016...
Lusin® Clean 1060, new development of Chem Trend for color and material changes in the injection process for the manufacture of caps
The changes of color or materials, in the manufacture of caps and package closures, often leads to high residual levels. Chem Trend helps to solve this problem with their new development ...
Guzman Global promotes new high quality recycled compounds of PA6.6 of Solvay’s Move4EarthTM Project in Applications of Sustainable Design
Solvay, a leading international chemical group, has announced that its Move4earthTM project for the recycling of technical textile waste from post-industrial sources is well on target. Validation of the technology has been completed,...
Rubber vulcanization, a technological breakthrough
In Guzman Global we hold a leading position in the rubber and latex industry, due to having more than 50 years of experience as an ...
What is plastic injection molding?
In Guzman Global’s Plastic business unit we have a wide range of products, including electrical machinery for plastic injection....
Origin and production of natural rubber
In Guzman Global we have a long history and experience as a raw materials distributor. We have our own business unit specializing in rubber and latex, which enjoys a leading position in the industry ...
Guzman Global was present at PlastEurasia 2015
Guzman Global was present for the third consecutive year at the International Exhibition of Plastics ...